Free And Easy To Grow Carrot Flowers


Can you guess what kind of flower this is? Queen Anne’s Lace perhaps?  Not quite……….

Would you believe this is a carrot gone to seed?  These are so pretty!

I experimented with some vegetables, carrots, cabbage, celery and lettuce.

I planted the tops of the carrots we ate and the stem portions of the other veggies and they grew!

No seeds needed. I never harvested the carrots. I wanted to see what would happen if I let them grow. I was pleasantly surprised, I never dreamed that carrots would flower!

All I did was plant about a dozen carrot tops just below the surface last Spring, And I got this beautiful bouquet literally from kitchen scraps I would normally throw out.


26 thoughts on “Free And Easy To Grow Carrot Flowers

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  1. Would not have guessed the lacy plant was carrot tops gone crazy. Neat idea. Thanks for hosting this week, I added a new to me cloche and had fun trying out different displays. Have a great week.


  2. Wow! Thanks for sharing this,Mary!Gotta try this, looks exactly like Queen Anne's lace.I appreciate you hosting this wonderful party! Happy Sunday!~Poppy


  3. Thanks so very much for hostessing your great party for us, Mary! I have been in the mountains and away from computer connection so I am just now seeing that my beach wreath was one of your favorites from last week…thanks so very much…I'm glad that you liked it.


  4. Hi Mary, I had some carrots go to seed one year and I was surprised to see them flower. It did look a lot like Queens Ann Lace. Thanks for hosting.


  5. hi, I just entered your party (linky thing) and it looks like it will be fun. I'm rather swampped today but will be back tomorrow to further 'meet and greet' but, thought I should introduce myself to you, first. Hi! glad to me cha!


  6. Looks like Queen Ann's Lace – which I believe can be deadly! Looks a little like Yarrow too in a way. I have to plant some carrots – it's very pretty!

    Thanks for always hosting the link party. I am joining with a little project this week.



  7. Hi Mary. I'm new here. Glad to meet you! I stopped by to share my humble little foyer (#91)and I'm looking forward to checking out your lovely blog. And all these wonderful ideas.
    Leslie (aka Gwen Moss blog)


  8. My husband, being the farmboy that he is, used to call Queen Anne's Lace, “Wild Carrots”, Mary. They must be from the same family or something, because they're one in the same or just look amazingly similar! 🙂

    xoxo laurie


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